
PSSI could meet and conduct mediation Affairs with Imam Nahrawi, is now open. It's just that,
Menpora, Imam Nahrawi not so just give the PSSI led La Nyalla Mahmud Matalitti opportunity

Instead, Imam Nahrawi provided a number of requirements to follow LaNyalla and coauthors. Namely, affirmed Imam, provided Menpora should be able to run the rules and willing to do reform.

"Depends if they want to reform, restructure, and willing to carry out a court decisiona matter of financial transparency. Hanging them, follow the rules of the game and did not obey the Constitution of SKN? Abiding club Licensing? The reference to the rules. If we consider the run and opening up), "Imam Nahrawi for light.

FIFA has given Indonesia sanctions indefinitely through a letter the Secretary-General Jerome Valcke FIFA dated May 30. The new sanctions will be revoked if the PSSI runswithout intervention from the Government, in this case Imam Nahrawi.

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