Soccercorner.org - Arsenal star who is also a Muslim, Mesut Ozil, utilizing true blessing in the month of Ramadan to increase the reward.
The German player has recently defray operating costs 11 Brazilian boy that he entered in the 'Ozil Eleven'. All the boy will undergo surgery at a hospital that is in Maranhao between December 24 to 11 November, as reported by The Mirror recently.
Ozil noble action is part of the player's cooperation with BigShoe, an organization that helps families or children to finance their operations can not afford to pay.
This is not the first time Ozil involved in such charitable activities. Previously, the players had reportedly spent all that she get a bonus appearance in the 2014 World Cup for operating costs 23 children and being rewarded for the Laureus Sport Award in the month of November.
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